When people know you like vintage stuff, you can find all sorts of goodies winging their way to you. Look what the wonderful Eva deposited in my front room last night!
Roman and Eva's Mum had a haberdashers/dress shop in days gone by and judging from the box of patterns that ended up in my grateful arms, she was an avid dress maker too.
The Perivale Sewing Silks storage box still contained some bobbins and had been turned over to the storage of buttons.. my youngest has already swiped the best for her button collection.
Christmas came early for me with all these wonderful dress patterns! I only wish my sewing skills could do some of them justice. There are a lot of size 16's which translates to a size 12/14 nowadays if the measurements are anything to go by. Many of the envelopes are torn and it's by no means certain that the patterns are complete. But what the hey!
Just look at the pictures! Retro Heaven!
Thank you family Stefanski.
lucky duck!
Wow! Aren't you a lucky girl. I love the cabinet. Also, great job on your pants in the previous post!
Jealous - moi? ;-)
Lucky, lucky lady!!
That patterns box looks so tantalizing...
omg! I am SO jealous! And I sew. And I'm also in London. And I'm a size 12/14. Oooh, if you have any patterns you don't want, I'll happily mop up the dregs.. Are you on the London Sewing meetup.com group btw? People there would love to see your haul.
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